Doing Business with MCOE
The MCOE procures, for its programs, using a centralized purchasing system. The MCOE aspires to maintain a mutually cooperative yet actively competitive attitude in order to obtain the best possible quality, price, and delivery. Large Merced County school districts purchase independently of the MCOE.
The MCOE warehouse maintains a STORES system, which includes filling orders for basic classroom supplies such as copy paper, pencils, construction paper, and various instructional supplies.
Cooperative Purchasing
Cooperative purchasing allows multiple educational agencies to pool their purchasing power and acquire goods at a lower cost.
Bid Results
View selected vendors who were awarded contracts based on MCOE's evaluation criteria established in the bid solicitation.
Central Section Purchasing
Central section purchasing procures goods and services to benefit schools within the region.
View or complete a California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act form for the 2023 school year.
Open Bids
Open bids at MCOE allow multiple vendors to compete for the opportunity to provide goods or services.
Purchase Order Terms
Read or review the list of purchase order terms and conditions for purchases made through MCOE programs or departments.