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CUPCCAA Registration



Vendor hours are Monday through Friday 7:00am to 4:00pm. Closed from Noon to 1:00 P.M.  


California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act

Notice to Contractors

In accordance with Public Contract Code §22034 the MERCED COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION is inviting all licensed contractors who are willing to perform public works construction and/or repair projects up to an estimated $200,000 to register their firm for inclusion on a list of qualified bidders for the 2023 calendar year. 

Interested parties must submit a 2023 CUPCCAA Registration Form, available for submission on the Merced County Office of Education’s website at the following link:

CUPCCAA Registration Form

Contractors must complete each field of the CUPCCAA Registration Form, sign and submit the form electronically where indicated to be included on the qualified bidders list for 2023. Illegible or incomplete forms may result in a contractor not being placed on the qualified bidders list or not being notified of CUPCCAA bid opportunities in the upcoming year. All contractors must ensure categories are selected for which their firm is interested in receiving notifications. Please review all categories and select as many as apply. 

Please submit the form directly through the website or contact Armando Campos, Facilities and Support Services Director, Merced County Office of Education, at 


Katie Rivera

Facilities Administrative Secretary
(209) 381-4555