Language, Literacy, and Library
The English Language Arts (ELA), English Language Development (ELD), and Library program oversees the implementation of ELA, ELD, and Library standards and curriculum in K-12 schools within Merced County.
The program also collaborates within departments of MCOE, as well as school districts, the English Learners Services program develops and disseminates materials to support K-12 biliteracy and promotes student academic achievement through district, region and state professional development programs.
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Physical Address:
Downtown Professional Development Center
1715 Canal Street, 2nd Floor
Merced, CA 95340
Mailing Address:
Merced County Office of Education
632 West 13th Street
Merced, CA 95341
Lupe Robles
Senior Coordinator of Literacy, Language, and Library Services
Phone: (209) 381-4031
Fax: (209) 381-6774
Vanessa Stretch
Coordinator, ELA/ELD
Phone: (209) 381-5997
Fax: (209) 381-6774
Blong Xiong
Coordinator, ELA/ELD
Phone: (209) 386 - 6086
Fax: (209) 381- 6774
Nestor Henrriquez
Coordinator, ELA/ELD
Phone: (209) 381- 4570
Fax: (209) 381- 6774
Richard Winters
Coordinator, Library Services and ELA/ELD
Phone: (209) 381- 5908
Fax: (209) 381- 6774
Physical Address:
MCOE Main Complex, Building J1
632 W 13th Street
Merced, CA 95341
LaRae Demorest
Learning Resources Specialist, Library
Phone: (209) 381- 6630
Fax: (209) 381- 6774
Physical Address:
MCOE Main Complex, Building J1
632 W 13th Street
Merced, CA 95341
Dayana Moreno
Staff Secretary
Phone: (209) 381- 5906
Fax: (209) 381- 6774