Key 4: Leadership
Historically, site leadership has focused on administration and management, but increasing accountability demands have caused site administration to also serve as instructional leaders in mathematics. Indeed, there is evidence that effective site leadership results in increased student achievement. However, it is unrealistic to expect a site leader to be an expert in every academic area, so we see the value in a distributed leadership model in which the site/district math coaches and our team are responsible for supporting teacher growth, while the site leadership is responsible for ensuring the new instructional practices are being effectively implemented in the classroom as anticipated.
We are poised to support site leaders:
Understand the instructional improvements and what they might look like in the classroom
Effectively and realistically support teachers to improve the quality of instruction
Provide feedback to teachers that communicates expectations for ambitious instruction
Clarify the roles of site coaches, teacher PLCs, and our team in supporting teachers’ development
Analyze and align adopted curriculum and assessment tools to the frameworks and interim assessments (IABs and FIABs).