After School Programs
After School Student Education: Teamwork for Success (ASSETS) is a collaborative project between MCOE, school districts and community organizations to coordinate, integrate and enhance academic and enrichment opportunities for students.
MCOE was awarded a State of California After School Education and Safety (ASES) Grant to implement after school programs at 42 school sites in Merced County.
Program List
The ASSETS Program operates at 42 schools in Merced County. Find contact information for each school site.
Student Enrollment
Enroll your student in the ASSETS program. Enrollment is open to all students in the schools that offer ASSETS.
More to Explore
ASSETS Central Office
1850 Wardrobe Ave, Bldg L
Merced, CA 95341
Phone: (209) 381-5934
Fax: (209) 381-5925
Office Hours: M-F 8am - 5pm