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Merced Scholars Charter School



Welcome to Merced Scholars Charter School!

At MSCS, every student has the opportunity to work at their own pace with their own academic strengths and personal interests, whether students want to pursue a career or college education, each student has has the chance to find success.  

2024-25 Nonclassroom-based (NCB) Program Enrollment

​Enrollment is open for the 2024-25 school year and spots are still available. If you are interested in enrolling your child(ren) in our nonclassroom-based (NCB) program, please complete the intent to enroll form for this program by clicking on the following link.

NCB Intent to Enroll Form​


​Student-Parent Handbook

Hello Parents/Guardians and Students! For those of you who completed your registration packet, welcome back! For the 2024-25 school year, we will have our Student-Parent Handbook online. If you are interested in getting a hard copy of the handbook, please contact the school office and we will be glad to print one for you. Thank you.

Student-Parent Handbook


​Merced Scholars Charter School (MSCS) is a community initiated and supported charter school that operates as a public school supported by the Merced County Office of Education. MSCS now offers two types of programs.

  • Nonclassroom-based (NCB) Program - The original program of MSCS, this program is sometimes referred to as home school or independent study. However, we are much different and much more than that. Our program is a blended, or hybrid, program that is made up of one-on-one meetings with credentialed teachers, home-based work (computer-based asynchronous work), and onsite classes and activities. For high school students, the program will also include dual enrollment or concurrent enrollment classes with Merced College. This program serves students in grades TK-12.

Our mission is to provide a collaborative and inclusive culture for students, parents, staff and community partners in supporting our students with career and college preparation for a seamless transition into both local and global societies. Our goal for our students to build teach the whole child to develop the academic, social, and emotional skills to be successful in their postsecondary lives.

Parent Advisory Committee/School Site Council (PAC/SSC) Meeting

October 22, 2024 - Agenda

February 25, 2025 - Agenda

May 27, 2025 - Agenda

English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) Meetings

October 22, 2024 - Agenda

February 25, 2025 - Agenda

May 27, 2025 - Agenda


Shelly Vasquez

Administrative Secretary
(209) 381-4550 ext. 5829

Merced Scholars
Atwater Ed. Center