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Student Transcript Request




Valley Court/Community Schools Only1) IN PERSON PICKUP:                                                                                                                      Please begin the process for your in-person records request by calling (209) 381-6761.

If you are unable to visit the Records Office in person, please follow the procedures below:

A) If you are a former student requesting records for yourself (18 or over) or you are a parent/guardian requesting records for your child (under 18):

  1. ​Select the record request link "Records Request with Notary" to the right.
  2. Download, print, and complete the form.
  3. Verification of identity is required; have the form notarized.
  4. Mail your completed notarized request form to:

Merced County Office of Education
Attn: VCS Student Records Office
632 W. 13th Street,
Merced, CA 95341​

B) If you are an Employer or School seeking education verification on behalf of a student:

  1. Submit a written request with signature authorization from the student.
  2. Scan and email or fax your request to the contact information to the right.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   *All record requests will be processed in order received. Please allow up to 5 business days for processing. There is no fee. Records are picked up in person, mailed, or faxed only with verification of identity.  Please note we cannot transmit records via email. 


     Starting October 14, 2024

We will ONLY be taking walk-ins  for Records Requests from
3:00-4:00 PM 

Pick ups are by 
Appointment ONLY   

    For Requests please Call or                             Email us                      

              Download Forms

Records Request

Records Request with Notary

Diploma Request Form SB-172

Contac​t Information:

​Phone: (209) 381-6761    
Fax: (209) 381-5198    

Email addresses:​

Address for In Person Pickup between 8-4pm (do not mail requests here):

1640 N Street Suite 230
      Merced Ca 95340