Human Resources
Human Resources staff plan, coordinate and manage certificated and classified employee functions for MCOE.
Services include employee recruitment, employment counseling, classification and salary placement, internal payroll functions, negotiations, collective bargaining agreements, personnel policy implementation, risk management services, record maintenance and employee recognition.
The department also conducts scheduled credential assignment monitoring and review for Merced County school districts and provides warrant verification services ensuring valid credential status for certificated staff throughout the county.
AB 2534
Select the link below to request an AB 2534 reference or send your reference check document to us for completion.
Collective Bargaining Agreements/Handbooks
Find documents on employment, collective bargaining unit contracts and policies.
Leaves of Absence
MCOE employees use an online automated service that records and manages absences or assists with substitutes.
MCOE provides fingerprinting services to individuals for employment clearance and for credential applications.
Employee Opportunities
Explore all current open employment opportunities at the Merced County Office of Education (MCOE).
Access credential applications and renewal forms for all credential types or learn more about the application process.
Leadership & Systems
Leadership and Systems implements training, coaching and support for educators and school staff at all levels.
Credentialing Programs
Credentialing programs help individuals gain the necessary qualifications and skills to pursue a career in education.
Employee Benefits
View information on insurance and benefit options available to MCOE employees for the current benefit year.
Employee Safety
MCOE employees can access the Injury and Illness Prevention Program here. Additional safety resources are available too.
Salary Schedules
View the current employment salary schedules for Classified, Certificated employees and other job positions with MCOE.
Title IX Non-Discrimination
If you believe you have been subjected to unlawful discrimination contact the Title IX Coordinator.