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Credential Services

The Merced County Office of Education is the local agency that provides credentialing services to school districts, charter schools, universities, and individuals across the county.   MCOE provides guidance and information on the state requirements and regulations as well as reviews applications to ensure accuracy and completeness before submitting to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC).

If you are employed by a public school in Merced County, or are seeking employment, we encourage you to submit all credential applications (except online renewals) to our Credential Specialist for processing. The only applications we will be unable to process are for those completing their initial K-12 teaching or services credential who have completed a program in California. 

All completed applications are forwarded to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing on the applicant's behalf.

Countywide Substitute Teacher Clearance

The Merced County Office of Education (MCOE) maintains a centralized substitute teacher database. Individuals wishing to substitute teach in Merced County will first need to be cleared through the Merced County Office of Education.   This process may require applying for a credential or permit, completing fingerprint clearances and TB clearance.  

Once cleared for the Merced County Substitute Teacher Clearinghouse, individuals are eligible to apply to any of the 21 school districts/charter schools in Merced  County that may currently be hiring substitute teachers.

If you prefer to apply directly to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing for your Substitute Permit, you may find additional information on their website at Please note that if you choose to apply directly  through the Commission on Teacher Credentialing for your Substitute Permit​ you will not be able to complete our substitute clearance process until your document has been granted by the state (approximately 50 working days) and you will still need to complete our employment process including fingerprinting and TB clearance.

Road Map to Teaching

 Visit CTC's Road Map to Teaching. Here, you will find many helpful resources to get you on your way to becoming a California Educator!

Substitute Information

MCOE Credential Services Department helps process applications for substitute teacher permits, authorizing substitute teaching services for K-12 public schools in California. Individuals interested in substitute teaching in Merced County must hold or apply for an appropriate permit directly through the Merced County Office of Education, Credential Services Department. 

Please click HERE ​​​​ to access our Substitute Information page.

Basic Skills Requirement

The California Education Code and Title 5 Regulations specify in most cases, that applicants for a credential, certificate, or permit to serve in the public school of California must verify basic skills proficiency before the credential, certificate or permit will be issued.

There are multiple ways in which this requirement can be satisfied.

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Certificate of Clearances

Assembly Bill 1918 requires a Certificate of Clearance on file at the Commission on Teacher Credentialing before activating any Temporary County Certificate. To apply for a Certificate of Clearance, applicants must complete Live Scan fingerprinting (41-LS and Clearinghouse) and then apply online at the Commission of Teacher Credentialing website.

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The Merced County Office of Education offers fingerprinting services to individuals for employment clearance and for credential applications.

If you are printing for two separate agencies (such as the Commission on Teacher Credentialing and MCOE's Clearinghouse), you will need to make two appointments. 

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Get a Copy of Your Credential or Permit

The CTC no longer prints nor mails a physical document to credential or permit holders. 

If you need a physical copy of your credential or permit, you will need to print a copy from the CTC website.

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Renew a Credential or Permit online

Renewing online three months prior to the expiration date allows enough time to grant and download the document into the payroll system.

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Renew Document

Child Development Permits

Applicants seeking a first-time, renewal, or upgrade to their Child Development Permit must submit a completed application packet. 

We can assist you with the application process. 

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Adding Authorizations or Teaching Areas to an existing California Credential

Find details on how to add a new California credential or a new teaching authorization to an existing California credential, including academic and examination requirements.

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MCOE Credentialing Programs

Providing credentialing pathways for aspiring teachers, new teachers and new  administrators, the MCOE Credentialing Programs include a Multiple Subject Intern Program, Education Specialist Intern Program, Teacher Induction Program and Clear Administrative Services Credential Program (ADMIN KEYS). 

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More to Explore


Tina Schultz

Credentials Specialist 
Phone: (209) 381-6633
Fax: (209) 381-6768