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Get a Copy of your Credential or Permit

The CTC no longer prints or mails a physical document to credential or permit holders. If you need a physical copy of your credential or permit, you will need to print a copy from the CTC website. Print a copy that includes the document number, effective dates, authorization codes, and renewal codes.

Once on the CTC website, follow these steps:

  1. Select – Credentialing Information and then Educator Login on the right of the page.
  2. Login by entering your User ID and Password or Create a User ID and Password if you are a new user.
  3. Select – OK and then NEXT.
  4. Verify your personal information and click Next.
  5. Click on the Document Number of the document you want to print.
  6. Click File, Print to print the page, or click Email Document to have it sent to the email on file.
  7. Click the Back button to return to the list of all credentials.
  8. Repeat 5-7 for each credential or permit.