Get a Copy of your Credential or Permit
The CTC no longer prints or mails a physical document to credential or permit holders. If you need a physical copy of your credential or permit, you will need to print a copy from the CTC website. Print a copy that includes the document number, effective dates, authorization codes, and renewal codes.
Once on the CTC website, follow these steps:
- Select – Credentialing Information and then Educator Login on the right of the page.
- Login by entering your User ID and Password or Create a User ID and Password if you are a new user.
- Select – OK and then NEXT.
- Verify your personal information and click Next.
- Click on the Document Number of the document you want to print.
- Click File, Print to print the page, or click Email Document to have it sent to the email on file.
- Click the Back button to return to the list of all credentials.
- Repeat 5-7 for each credential or permit.