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Special Education Public Notices



School Plan for Student Achievement

Board approved 10/21/2024

2024-2025 SPSA-Floyd A. Schelby

2024-2025 SPSA-MCOE Special Education       

2024-2025 SPSA-MCOE Special Education (Spanish)                                                 ​​​​

2024-2025 SPSA-Floyd A. Schelby (Spanish)

2023/24 School Accountability Report Cards (published in 2024-2025 school year)

Board approved 1/21/2025

SARCs & translations can be found at

Local Control Accountability Plan Federal Addendum

2022 MCOE LCAP Federal Addendum

2022 MCOE LCAP Federal Addendum (Spanish)

Educator Effectiveness Block Grant Plan 

2021 MCOE EEBG Plan  


MCOE Elementary Secondary School Emergency Relief III Plan​ (revised 6-12-23)

2021 MCOE ESSER III Plan                                                                                                                                                                                               2021 MCOE ESSER III Plan (Spanish)


Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan

Board approved 5/17/2021

2021 MCOE ELO Plan                                                                                                                                              2021 MCOE ELO Plan (Spanish)


EL Master Plan 

MCOE EL Master Plan