Blind & Vision Impaired Itinerate Services
Itinerant Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVI)
The teachers of the visually impaired assist students who have a visual impairment that interferes with their normal educational progress. The program serves students from birth through age 22 years old who are functionally blind or have low vision. A functionally blind student is a student who relies basically on senses other than vision as major channels of learning. A low vision student is a student who uses vision as a major channel of learning. Visual impairment does not include visual perceptual or visual-motor dysfunction resulting from a learning disability. Medical verification of visual impairment is required. As prescribed by the Individual Educational Program (IEP), individual or small group instruction or consultation is provided. The instruction may include Braille, academic support, listening, visual efficiency, living skills, use of technology, and other adaptive skills. The VI services are provided at the school’s educational placement.