Attendance Matters
The Attendance Engagement Program from the Merced County District Attorney's Office, in partnership with MCOE, aims to improve student attendance and reduce truancy in the community.
The program is designed to work with parents and family members to encourage attendance and keep their students excited and engaged in school.
What you should know
Two missed days a month adds up to a half a year behind by the time your child reaches 4th grade. Once a child falls behind, they rarely catch up.
Fast Facts
- Parents and guardians strongly influence a child’s attendance patterns.
- Absence patterns are established as early as kindergarten.
- Older siblings frequently set attendance patterns in a family.
- Students who eat breakfast have improved concentration and miss fewer days of school.
Parents make a difference — Help Your Child Stay Engaged in School!
- Find out if your child is interested in their classes or feel safe from bullies and other threats.
- Make sure they are not missing class because of behavioral issues and school discipline policies. If any of these are problems, work with your school.
- Stay on top of academic progress and seek help from teachers or tutors if necessary. Make sure teachers know how to contact you.
- Know your child’s social contacts. Peer pressure can lead to skipping school, while students without many friends can feel isolated.
- Encourage meaningful after-school activities, including sports and clubs.
Attendance Engagement Program
Download the brochure below to learn more.