Board of Education
The Merced County Board of Education consists of five members elected by voters in their trustee area. The four-year terms are staggered to allow for continuity. The board operates under the authority of the California Constitution, the State Legislature, California Education Code and the California State Board of Education. The trustees are responsible for adopting the annual County Office of Education Local Control and Accountability Plan and budget; adopting policies governing the operation of the board; and acting as the appeals board for student expulsions, interdistrict transfers and charter school petitions. Members of the Merced County Board of Education also serve as trustees for the Virginia Smith Trust.
Name | Trustee Area | Term Expires |
Dennis Hanks | 1 | 2026 |
Tim Razzari | 2 | 2026 |
Frank Fagundes | 3 | 2028 |
Rodrigo Espinosa | 4 | 2028 |
Geneva Brett | 5 | 2026 |
Board Meetings
The MCOE posts board meeting schedules, agendas, minutes, and packets for anyone to view.
MCOE Trustee Area Map
The MCOE uses a by-trustee area election process to elect its governing board members.
Statement and Philosophy
Review the statement and philosophy of the Merced County Board of Education.