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Statement and Philosophy


Board of Education Meeting

Recognizing the important contribution of education to the strengthening and growth of American democracy, the Merced County Board of Education affirms its strong belief in the free public schools of our United States of America, which ensures equal educational opportunities for all children.

It believes that the fundamental purposes of a free public education is to provide the knowledge, attitudes, values, and skills to enable each child to grow and live effectively, not withstanding the constant changing social and economic conditions of American society.

It thus believes that its pre-eminent duty is to serve as children's advocate, constantly striving to ensure that all the children of Merced County have the best educational opportunities possible.

It further believes that the individual teacher serves as the requisite inspiration and conveyer of knowledge to ensure every student a success.

It further believes that all other employees are important and valuable in ensuring every student a success.

It further believes that the Merced County Office of Education belongs to all the people it serves.

It further believes that the Merced County Board of Education, the Superintendent, Cabinet, and Management Staff best serve the interests of children, parents, and community through an enlightened, cooperative, team management of the Merced County Office of Education.

It is recognized that the Board of Education, the County Superintendent, and the Cabinet have separate and distinct roles and responsibilities.

Together the Board, Superintendent, Cabinet and Management Team determine the Merced County Office of Education’s level of performance and quality of accomplishments.

It further believes that the policies of the Merced County Office of Education serve as a commonly held moral, ethical, an legal guide for the execution of the mission, attainment of the goals, and support of the programs of the Merced County Office of Education.

It further believes its statutory policy-making role is to ensure open communication, reduce conflict, assist in decision making, provide flexibility, improve public relations, and build employee and public confidence. ​