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Golden Valley Takes First in 2025 Merced County Academic Decathlon


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Golden Valley Takes First in 2025 Merced County Academic Decathlon

The 44th Annual Merced County Academic Decathlon came to a close on Feb. 1, after several rounds of rigorous competition including essays, multiple choice tests, speeches, interviews and a Super Quiz.

Golden Valley High School emerged as the top scoring team of the competition. Rishabh Saha from Merced High School was the top scoring student of the day, with a perfect score in the mathematics portion of the competition. 

This is Golden Valley High School’s fifth win, earning first place in last year’s competition. The school will advance to the State Academic Decathlon in Santa Clara this March. 

Teams from high schools across Merced County participated in the competition, which challenged students’ knowledge and skills in math, science, social science, music, art, economics, literature, public speaking, interview and writing.

At the awards presentation, students were recognized for their participation in the competition both individually and as a team. Three of the highest scoring members of each team received the Robert Wayne Scholarship on behalf of donations and sponsorship from the Merced School Employees Federal Credit Union. 

Sponsor partners included Educational Employees Credit Union, Community Foundation of Merced County, Merced County Office of Education, Merco Credit Union and Travis Credit Union.

The Merced County Academic Decathlon pits local high schools against each other in a contest of academics. High Schools who participated this year include Atwater, Buhach Colony, Delhi, El Capitan, Golden Valley, Hilmar, Livingston, Los Banos, Merced and Pacheco.  

View the full list of awards, here

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