Merced County Superintendent of Schools Receives Legacy Award
- Award Recognitions
California County Superintendents announced the winners of the 2024 Annual Awards at its quarterly meeting in Madera County this week. Among the winners, Merced County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Steve Tietjen received the Legacy Award for his work with the Virginia Smith Trust (VST).
The Legacy Award recognizes a colleague who has significantly advanced the mission and vision of county offices where the impact reaches far beyond the county they serve. Award winners were selected by a committee composed of county superintendents throughout the state.
“Dr. Steve Tietjen, Merced County Superintendent of Schools, is creating such a legacy in his work through a very special project that will leave a lasting impression on the lives of students for decades to come,” said California County Superintendents President-Elect and Imperial County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Todd Finnel, during the award presentation.
Through Dr. Steve Tietjen's leadership a development plan for the remaining 654 acres of Virginia’s estate, which will establish a University Community, will not only allow the VST to sustain scholarships for generations of students, but also establish housing, amenities and additional resources largely missing in the community.
The VST has distributed nearly $7 million in scholarships to more than 3,500 Merced students. The Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) officially voted to annex the land located south of the UC Merced into city limits, which will bring the benefit of Merced City services to the location.
“He stands as a testament to the transformative power of education and the enduring legacy of those who dedicate their lives to shaping the future,” concluded Finnel.